Release notes - Visitor Aware - 9.0.8

New Feature

VA-1708 Only allow visitors with completed profiles to be selected on existing visitor check-in on the kiosk

VA-2052 Admin: Users: Add User: Add "Notify of Account Creation" Checkbox


VA-615 Guardian Scan Mode - Add verbiage to explain what buttons do

VA-1489 Visitor QR Code -> Ability to disable/generate a new QR code for the specific visitor without deleting the visitor profile

VA-1733 Admin Portal: Sex Offender: Removing Ban now doesn't remove the "Hazard Visitor" flag

VA-1869 Volunteer Bulk Email: Only Email Volunteers for Current Location

VA-1871 Criminal History Token Count Low -> Send a notification out to users letting them know the token volume is low and needs to be replenished

VA-2050 Admin: Manage Users: Allow Users to be Deleted

VA-2053 Admin: Import: Users Import: Add Column to disable notifications

VA-2054 Admin: Users: All Users: Allow Sorting by Role