Visitor Aware will compare each visitor against the registered sex offender database and watch lists if enabled.  All visitors are recorded in your account, including visitors flagged from sexual predator and watchlists, however, they are automatically banned and a check in is not allowed without a system user disabling the ban and documenting the reasoning for the ban removal.  This ensures that you're able to access information even for those visitors who are not allowed to check in.

Comparison Calculations

During the check in process, Visitor Aware takes a picture of each visitor and records their associated driver's license information. After their picture is taken, and a visit is initiated, comparisons are made between the visitor and the national sexual offender registry. 

More specifically, each visitor's name (and any associated aliases), sex, age, date of birth, and picture are all used to make the comparison, with each component having a certain weight on the match percentage.

The following data points are used for comparison when determining a sexual predator match between a visitor attempting to check in, and the sexual predator registries:

  • Name vs. registry name
  • Name vs. registry aliases
  • Date of birth vs. registry name, alias, and date of birth
    ( Note:  If the full offender's "Date of Birth" is available it takes priority over Age )
  • Age vs. registry age, name, or alias
  • Sex vs. registry name, alias, and sex
  • Identification state vs. name, alias, and state
  • Street address vs. street address
  • City vs. city
  • Zipcode vs. zipcode
  • Current visitor photo vs. name, alias, and registry photo (>= 90% match required for weighing)
    Note: If there is no registry photo available the system will still flag, ban, and alert out of caution, however, the system will provide a notation as a "Tentative" rather than showing a 100% probability match )

In the event that the following conditions are not met, the visitor is cleared and additional validation does not occur:

  1. If there are no name or alias(es) matches
  2. If the visitor sex does not match

In the event that a reasonable level of matching does occur, the remainder of the criteria are evaluated between the visitor information and the sexual offender registries, with each match logged for accuracy, display, and weighing for the match percentage which is displayed along with the matched information.

Process Diagram for Matching

Additional Information

Once the comparison process has finished, the visitor will either be automatically banned for a positive match or they will be checked in at the facility. For more information on how Visitor Aware alerts designated personnel to positive matches, please click here.

For information on how to mark a result as invalid, see our article here.

To find out how to enable these checks, please click here.