In order to ensure that visitor and volunteer badges print properly, you may need to adjust the printer's paper size. This can be done by following the steps below.

Windows Instructions

These steps are for Windows/PC machines.

1. Control Panel

To begin the process of setting up your printer's paper size, you will need to locate the "Control Panel". This can be found by clicking on the windows icon (start button) in the lower left-hand corner of your desktop screen on the taskbar and then clicking "Control Panel". Once you have selected this option, you will get a screen that looks similar to that shown below.

2. Devices and Printers

Inside the "Control Panel" window click on "Devices and Printers". You will be directed to a screen that will display all of the printers that have been set up on your machine. This screen will look similar to that shown below.

3. Label Printer

Inside the "Devices and Printers" window double-click on the badge printer that you're using. A window will open up for that printer. After this happens, click on the "Printer" menu option and select "Printing Preferences".

4. Printer Preferences

Inside the "Printing Preferences" window click on the "Advanced" button.


5. Advanced Options

Inside the "Advanced Options" window find the "Paper Size" drop-down menu.

6. Paper Size

Inside the "Paper Size" drop-down menu, select the "Badge Label" size. There are several potential paper sizes depending on your installed drivers, however, the most common are:

  • 30857 Badge Label
  • 30364 Name Badge Label

In the event of 

Then hit "OK" in the "Advanced Options" screen, hit "OK" in the "Printing Preferences" screen, and close out the remaining screens. Your printer should now be able to print to the correct badge size.

For additional details on how to properly set up your Visitor Aware desktop application, please refer to the "Desktop Application Setup" help article.

How to Troubleshoot Internet Browser Badge Printing

If you are trying to adjust the badge size when printing from your internet browser window (administration dashboard) please reference the "Manual Pre-existing Visitor Check-in" article and scroll down to "Troubleshoot Badge Printing".

Unspecified Badge Printer

It's possible that the printer drivers may need to be uninstalled and reinstalled on the machine the printer is connected to. A key indication of this would be the printer being grouped into the "Unspecified Badge Printer" section within the control panel area for printers. Follow these steps to rectify this issue.

30856 Badge Label Settings

If using Dymo 30856 labels from another provider, be sure to do a test print from your system preferences, and ensure that the print quality is set to "Text Only" in "Normal" mode as shown in the screenshot below: