This article explains the process of setting up Visitor Aware Bus Manager with the following configuration:

  • iOS or Android internet-connected devices for on-bus
  • Spreadsheet exports to synchronize:
    • Bus Drivers
    • Bus Routes and Schedules

Step 1: Import Bus Drivers

Step 2: Import Bus Schedules

  • Download the Bus Schedule Import template from the "Import Resources" page, or from
  • Populate the bus schedules.  Note: Student IDs must match existing students in Visitor Aware, and "School" must match the "School ID" for an existing VIsitor Aware school
  • From the import resources page, select "Bus Schedule Import",  select the spreadsheet containing your bus schedules (the format and columns in the spreadsheet must match the sample file), then click the "Import" button

Step 3: Install the Visitor Aware Bus Manager Application

Step 4: Sign in with the Bus Manager Application and Start a Route

  • Using the employee ID, district ID, and date of birth of one of the drivers imported in step 1, sign into the Bus Manager application
  • Select:
    • Origination school
    • Direction (to school, or from school)
    • Route
      • If no predefined routes are available from step 2, you'll still see an option to start an "Ad Hoc" route.  Ad Hoc routes are designed for unscheduled or variant routes such as field trips, sporting events, etc.... and will display the student list for the school selected
  • Hit "Start Route"

Step 5: Watch the Route Activity as an Administrator

  • On your computer, go to the Visitor Aware Administration Portal
  • Click the Bus Manager menu item on the left
  • Click on "Route Activity" (
  • You'll see your active route from step 4 in real-time