Release notes - Visitor Aware - 9.3.0


Device settings - Move the "Enable Manual ID Entry?" to Mobile app settings

UX improvement to better organize mobile app settings by moving the "Enable Manual ID" option to the mobile app-specific pane.

Support - update the product list on the support form

This improvement adds drill and bus manager as selectable features to the admin-portal support form.

Rename InformaCast Distribution List Column

This improvement clarifies the column heading on the IC connection page for which distribution list will be used.

Update Verbiage in Profile Complete Emails

This improvement clarifies that we (VA) are not the people to contact for profile complete requests sent automatically by school districts when importing OneRoster data for guardians.

New Features

Visitor Self Check-In using Mobile Device

This feature allows locations to print a QR code that can be posted on their exterior door for visitors to scan and complete the check-in/screening process before being allowed entry.

Volunteer Imports: Add Background Check Date

This new feature adds support for volunteer imports to contain the last background check date of a volunteer to prevent double-screening when clients transition from another system to VA.


An inactive location banner is not shown after logging in if it's a user's default location

Ensures that when logging in, if the user's default location is marked as inactive, the "Inactive" location banner is shown.

Enterprise: All Users Filter Role Menu -> Hide default Teacher and Volunteer Coordinator roles

Ensures that only roles available to a client based on features are shown on all users, and user notifications screens.

Client Settings: OneRoster Settings: Adding input value with double quotes breaks the input field

Fixes issue where the OneRoster settings page allowed URLs to be entered with single or double quotes, which then prevented the values from being displayed or edited.

Visitors Import Not Matching Existing Client Visitors

Fixes issue where the visitor import CSV files were not correctly matching existing visitors, resulting in duplicated visitors.