Release notes - Visitor Aware - 9.3.2

New Features

Parent Portal - Dismissal Notes

Read-only view of student information and allow guardians to update their students' attendance to indicate that they will miss school, arrive late, or leave early.

Client-level setting to specify email in which reply-to-email responses will automatically filter into

Adds a client-level setting for specifying an email address for where to send reply-to email responses.


Family Reunification: Add Group select for Teachers/Admin to filter by teachers and class period

Allows teachers to filter students by assigned teacher and by class period within Family Reunification.  This is a new setting in the security settings menu.

Add a Tab for self-release requests status next to the roster and guardian tabs

This update gives a visual indication of the student's self-release request status: self-release request has been sent out, approved, denied, and if the guardian is on site. These indicator bubbles are different colors and show up next to the student's name.

Teacher Portal Personal Settings -> Allow them to update/change their mobile number

Enables teachers to view and update their personal mobile number within their user settings screen.

All Visits: Complete Rework

The "All Visits", "All Departures", and exports have been completely reworked to add filtering by visitor type and provide better exports, faster rendering, and better searching.

OneRoster: Create settings to enable/disable staff user sync for specific roles

Addition of a setting to allow a user to enable or disable syncing by role types.

Make placeholder text in the Drill Manager Notes section a title

Made the placeholder text within the Drill Manager notes section a title to add more emphasis.


User Import - The import template contains a column for Grade but the User record lacks that field in the UI

Removed the grade column within the user import template - it is not used.

Sorting on View All Students Table broken

Fixes a bug preventing sorting on the Student listing table.

Background checks are green even though there are flags