Release notes - Visitor Aware - 9.3.3


Volunteer logs - add the ability to edit/delete

This improvement adds functionality for volunteers to edit their manually created visits through the web-based volunteer portal.

Security Setting: Only allow approved volunteers to sign into volunteering events

Security settings toggle to only allow approved volunteers to sign into volunteering events.

OneRoster Settings: Allow empty scope when access token URL is provided

Certain SIS OneRoster connections use Oauth2 but require that no scope be present.


Dashboard - show a banned icon next to the active visitor on the dashboard

Corrects an issue where the real-time display of a flagged visitor entry didn't show the hazard icon on the dashboard.

Error in SFTP Validation Emails

Fixes an issue where when clients send invalid file data via SFTP, the errors aren't collected into the email properly.

Add Validation for Manual Visitor Entry with Invalid DOB

Fixes errors caused by visitors entering information manually and entering invalid dates of birth (invalid dates, dates in the future, etc...)