Release notes - Visitor Aware - 10.0.1


Pre-Generate Locations from Initial SFTP imports

This improvement provides better initial data loading for clients syncing files via SFTP.


User menu - update Download for iOS option to download new kiosk app instead of old one

This task updates the kiosk download link in the administration portal to use the new kiosk application link.

New Feature

Temp ID Report

This new feature adds reporting for Temporary IDs issued for students.


Drill Manager: Drill Schedule Date Time is saved incorrectly

This bugfix addresses an intermittent issue where when saving drills, the scheduled time would update to local + UTC, even when local timezones were not available, resulting in times jumping forward.

Convert to Volunteer Email Already Exists Issue

This bug fix addresses an issue with duplicated emails when converting volunteers to visitors and then back.

iOS App Secure Student Sign-out: Unidentified Visitor [960]

Corrected an unidentified visitor student sign-out error for the check-in kiosk.

Fix undefined length in response to visitor self registration

This bugfix addresses an issue where the response for visitor self-registration APIs checked data that is not always present causing a javascript warning to be thrown.

Error Listing Signed out Students when Student has been deleted

This bugfix addresses an issue that prevented currently signed-out students from being listed when an actively signed-out student was deleted.

Court order check with DOB must match the date format

This bug fix addresses an issue with court order checks where the date of birth formats do not match between the visitor and the court order as entered.

Add date format validation to ID expiration dates

This bugfix addresses an issue where a visitor self-registering could register using an invalid date format for identification expiry when the validate ID expiration security setting was disabled.

Error displaying activity log on visitor profile when non-utf8 characters are present

This bugfix addresses an issue where certain non-utf8 characters in the activity log prevented the event history tab on a visitor profile from displaying properly.