At times it's a nice option to have visitors check-in from their own personal devices. This process can be completed from outside the building entirely or from within the vestibule/front office area as well.
The idea behind this feature, is to allow visitors to scan a QR code to complete the check-in process from their own personal web-enabled device.
How to enable this feature:
This is a location specific feature. If your client account has multiple locations, you'll need to enable this functionality for each location that will be using it.
- Navigate to the location you'd like this feature to be used
- All locations will be listed here:
- Click on the location or gear icon to "Edit this location"
- Click on the "Settings" tab
- Scroll down to "Enable Visitor Self Check-in"
- Toggle this setting to "Yes"
- (Optional) To enforce a set distance for check-in attempt, navigate to "Visitor self check-in maximum distance"
- With this setting enabled, a visitor must be within the distance specified to enable check-in
- Click "Save" to retain any changes made on this page
QR code check-in:
There are two ways to complete the personal device check-in process. This can be accomplished by sharing the information via a URL link or by printing off the QR code check-in flyer for the visitor to scan.
To access and print the flyer:
- Navigate to the associated location's edit settings tab (picture above)
- Scroll down to the "Print self check-in poster here" link
- Click the link
- Right click to print
- Either print directly to your printer or save as a PDF to print later
URL check-in:
An additional option would be to direct visitor traffic to a location specific website where the check-in link lives. This link can be copied from that location specific settings page as shown below.
- Copy the URL listed on the location specific setting tab
- Paste it to the web page or other means of distribution as seen fit