In order to authenticate using Okta (Single Sign On), the configuration must be added within both Visitor Aware, and your Okta developer portal.

Video Tutorial:

1) Visitor Aware Single Sign-On Setup

  1. Navigate to the Single Sign-on page under System Settings -> Settings -> Single Sign-On
  2. Select "Okta" as the connection type
  3. Click "Create"
  4. Copy the value from the redirect path that was generated and is now shown

2) Okta Setup

  1. From within your Okta Dashboard, navigate to "Applications" -> "Applications"
  2. Click on the "Create App Integration" button 
  3. Select "OIDC - OpenID Connect", then Select "Web Application" for the application type, this will take you to the next screen automatically 
  4. From the "New Web App Integration" screen, select the following options:
    1. App integration name: "Visitor Aware" (or your preferred identifier for the connection)
    2. Enable the following options for the Grant Type:
      1. Client Credentials
      2. Authorization Code
      3. Refresh Token
    3. Sign-in redirect URIs: enter the "Redirect Path" from Visitor Aware that was generated in 1.4 above
    4. You may delete, or leave the "Sign-out redirect URIs" untouched
    5. Under "Assignments", select "Skip group assignment for now", or customize to only allow groups specified by you to log into Visitor Aware
    6. Save
  5. You'll now be on the details screen for the application in Okta. 
  6. Click "Create"

3) Assign User Groups in Okta to the new Application

  1. Within Okta, navigate to "Directory" -> "Groups"
  2. Either add, or edit an existing group.  These will be the users who are able to use Okta to sign into Visitor Aware
  3. From the group edit page, navigate to the "Applications" tab
  4. Click "Assign Applications"
  5. Select the "Visitor Aware" application you created in the previous step, and click "Assign"

4) Enter the Okta Information into Visitor Aware

  1. Copy the following values from the Okta application screen:
    1. Client ID
    2. Client Secret
  2. Click on your name on the top-right of the Okta dashboard, and copy the URL that is shown below your email address in the dropdown panel.  This is your base URL, however, you may need to add the "https://" prefix to it 
  3. Enter the Client ID, Client Secret, and Base URL into your SSO settings page in Visitor Aware
  4. Ensure that the "Enabled" option is set to "Yes"
  5. Click "Save" on your Visitor Aware SSO Configuration screen

5) Test Your Connection

Now that your connection is configured in both Okta, and Visitor Aware, copy the Visitor Aware User Login URL, then log out of Visitor Aware, paste the User Login URL into your URL bar, and you should be signed in successfully!