This article is on how to create new users.
Once you have completed the steps within "Getting Started" you are now ready to setup the users that will have access to the online dashboard. Clients have an unlimited amount of users that they can add and setting up user access restrictions can be done within this same window.
There are 3 tabs within the "New User" screen within the System Settings -> Users heading:
- User Details
- Permissions
- Locations
User Details:
Fill in the top part of the form with the user's credentials:
- Name
- Email Address
Mobile Phone Number:
This number will be the one used for text messages and/or phone call alerts if enabled.
Enable security features for this account?:
When set to yes, the rear-facing camera will be used for the iOS check-in application for all visitor check-in steps. Staff/security can use this to screen visitors immediately using their own iOS mobile device.
Receive notifications for assigned locations?:
If set to yes, user will be able to receive the notifications selected in the "Notification Types" section. If set to no, the user will not receive any notifications.
Notification Types:
Select what type of notifications the user should receive. Hover over the question mark to read additional details. Be sure to select "Automatic Emails (Email) if the user is to receive automated reports for their role.
Enable Login Using:
This section allows you to designate what login rights users will have when it comes to being able to access the admin portal or various applications Visitor Aware has to offer. Check the box to allow the user to log into these corresponding application and/or the administration portal as you see fit.
Enable or disable a user's dashboard and check-in app access by selecting Yes or No. If No is selected they will not be able to sign into the dashboard or check-in mobile app.
Send email notification to user?:
If set to yes, an email will go out notifying the user that their user account has been created and to set their Visitor Aware password.
You are able to change any of the settings listed under the 3 different tabs (user details, permissions, and locations) before hitting the save button. Be sure to hit save before venturing away from the "Create New User" screen.
The permissions tab allows you to assign a role to your new user. When a role is assigned, that user will be granted access to features that have been assigned to that role through the "Manage Roles" option located under the "Settings" heading within the lefthand navigation column.
Select what locations the new user will have access to through this tab by checking the box on the left. Leave the box empty if you do not want the user to have access to the associated location. Be sure to select a default location where the user will primarily be located.
The "All Users" button will take you to the current list of users that have already been set up. Do not click this button until you have saved all of your recent changes.
If you'd like more information associated with facility locations, please refer to the "Creating and Managing Locations" article.
Once you have saved a user, you can always adjust their settings by going to "All Users" under the "Users" heading within the lefthand navigation column. From this location, you can search for the user, click on their name or the settings icon, and then edit the user settings from the "Edit User" screen.
Want information on different sign-in options? Please reference this help article here.
If you'd like to manage your own user profile settings, click on your name in the right-hand corner of the screen and select "Settings".