Volunteer Applications within Visitor Aware
After a volunteer applicant has submitted their information, their pending application/profile will be located within the Pending Volunteers screen. The easiest way to access the volunteer application URL is by going to the "Activities" menu in the top right corner of the web admin dashboard and clicking "Volunteer Application". Copy the URL on this page to post on your school website.
If "Volunteer Application" is not listed within your Activities menu, please ask your Visitor Aware administrator to turn on this functionality by accessing this screen: https://app.visitor-aware.com/client-settings/volunteers
Please note: The above link is also where you'd go to customize the Volunteer application and any communications that get sent out during that process.
Pending Volunteers:
You can always check to see if there are any pending volunteers through the left navigation column. Click "People", "Volunteers", and then "Pending Volunteers". In the example below, there is one (1) pending volunteer. Click into the pending volunteer's profile by either clicking on their name or by clicking the gear icon.
(Optional) Run a Background Check:
You may use a 3rd party vendor to complete a background check and record that date within Visitor Aware. Please reference this help article for more information: https://visitoraware.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/43000703502-manually-record-background-check-completion-date
It is also possible to run background checks through Visitor Aware. Please reference this help article for more information: https://visitoraware.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/43000703514-how-to-run-a-criminal-background-check
Approve or Deny Volunteer Status:
From this point, or per your own personalized approval steps, you can determine if this person should be a volunteer. To approve of deny the pending volunteer, click into the menu located under "Volunteer Actions". Then click "Approve Volunteer" or "Deny Volunteer" pending on if the potential volunteer satisfies your school's requirements.
Denied Volunteer Status:
Example of a denied volunteer. This person would be grouped back into visitors under "People", "Visitors", and then "Visitors" (or next custom grouping that is designated: vendor, delivery, etc.).
Approved Volunteer Status:
Example of an approved volunteer. This person would be shown under "People", "Volunteers", "All Volunteers".
How to Create and Manage Volunteering Functions:
To create functions for volunteers to volunteer at and/or sign into, please reference this article: https://visitoraware.freshdesk.com/en/support/solutions/articles/43000539458-creating-and-managing-volunteer-functions
(Optional) How to Convert a Visitor to a Potential Volunteer:
If the person you're looking for didn't submit a volunteer application but they have an active visitor profile, you can find them through "People" and then "Visitors". Navigate to the visitor profile that you'd like to pend as a potential volunteer by clicking into "People" and then "Visitors" as shown below.
Find Visitor Profile:
If there are a lot of visitor profiles, click the search field and type in the visitor's name or part of their name to locate their profile. Pending what location they checked into, you may need to click "All" to find them.
Convert Visitor to Volunteer
After locating the visitor's profile, click into it and click the "Convert to Volunteer" button.
Convert to Pending Volunteer:
You'll see a popup screen like below. If an email was provided by the volunteer and they would like to be assigned to specific school locations, it can be entered here to give them access to their other volunteer portal that records their hours and gives them access to volunteering events. Otherwise, click "Convert" or once that information is entered click "Convert".